Do Not File A Case With the Better Business
The Better Business Bureaus job is to help business succeed,
not to protect the consumer.
Just like the Texas dot hearing, your invoices repairs will be overlooked.
Its like you never took the car in for repairs.
The most sinister thing about the Better Business Bureaus hearing
was a BBB employees that was setting
in on the trial let it slip that the BBB gets a high number of VW
lemon. The Audi rep said nothing and
looked away. The BBB employees had no idea that the VW and the
Audi TT is basely the same car.
After the Better Business Bureaus dismiss my case and said the car
was not a lemon.
I sent the BBB a freedom of information letter to see the number
of complaint they have against Audi and VW.
is the letter I got back!
Below is the contact information to the Better Business Bureaus
hearing and some of their emails.
Business Bureaus covering their buts!
----- Original
Message -----
From: Adkins,
Sheila - sadkins@cbbb.bbb.org
To: 'Anthony'
Cc: Davis, Rodney
- rdavis@cbbb.bbb.org
Sent: Thursday,
February 20, 2003 11:08 AM
Subject: RE: case number:
Mr. Armstrong
- I am forwarding your email to our Auto Line Department for a
Sheila Adkins
Associate Director,
Public Affairs
Council of Better
Business Bureaus
From: Anthony
Sent: Thursday, February 20,
2003 2:03 AM
To: sadkins@cbbb.bbb.org
Subject: case number: AUD0173735
I can't believe
the BBB is telling the public to contact Audi propaganda
Customer Service
phone: 800-622-2834.
The BBB dismissed
my case / case number: AUD0173735
Now they are
having a recall that validates what my case was about.
What is the
BBB going to do know?
----- Original
Message -----
From: Davis,
- rdavis@cbbb.bbb.org
To: 'Anthony'
Cc: Adkins, Sheila
- sadkins@cbbb.bbb.org
Sent: Thursday,
February 20, 2003 4:35 PM
Subject: RE: case number:
Dear Mr. Armstrong,
Sheila sent
your email communication to me. I empathize with you and the
problems you
have experienced with your vehicle. I wish you had found your
experience with
the BBB AUTO LINE program more positive, however, as you
rejected the
repair decision on your case, there is nothing further we can
do to assist
you at this time. It is clear the arbitrator agreed with your
position that
a defect existed related to stalling and lack of power, and
had the problem
been found by the arbitrator, based on the reasoning in the
decision, it
is likely a wholly different outcome might have been the
result. Arbitrators
have to work with the facts presented at the hearing by
the parties
and, based on the information available, the arbitrator did the
best job he
could given the information available at that time. I
routinely receive
feedback from company representatives and customers in
disbelief that
the arbitrator failed to agree with their position.
in arbitration there will be someone that is satisfied and
another party
that is not pleased by the outcome. We would like to satisfy
all parties,
but that is not possible given the nature of the process.
You may want
to contact the department of Transportation in Texas to see if
you still have
recourse through their program to resolve your concerns.
They may be
reached at:
Again, I regret
we failed to meet your expectations.
Rodney Davis
Vice President
----- Original
Message -----
From: Anthony
To: Davis, Rodney
- rdavis@cbbb.bbb.org
Cc: webmaster@ftc.gov
- federal trade commission.
Sent: Friday,
February 21, 2003 12:25 AM
Subject: Re: case number:
You said I
rejected the repair decision on your case. That's incorrect.
Audi said there
was noting wrong but they would look at the car again.
They didn't
say what they would repair. Did you catch that? So what would I
take the Audi TT in to be repaired for? I already took the car in
7 times for 9 different problems. The main problem was for the engine
cutting out. Serious safety hazard!
My Audi TT passed
the entire BBB lemon test. It sound like the BBB would have me taking
the car in forever.
Anyway, two
years latter Audi and VW have a recall and you say.
in arbitration there will be someone that is satisfied and
another party
that is not pleased by the outcome.
I can't believe
you said the BBB just looked at the facts. The Audi TT had a ton
of invoice
and the paper work was in the arbitrator face.
The invoice
shows that Audi tried to fix it seven times.
At my hearing
one of the BBB employees setting in on the hearing told the Audi
rep that the BBB gets a high number of VW lemon. This tells me that
the BBB new about the Audi TT problems.
Just a little
reminder of what BBB lemon test my Audi TT passed?
1. Serious safety
hazard is defined as a life-threatening malfunction or nonconformity
that substantially impedes a person's ability to control or operate
a motor.
2. Impairment
of market value is defined as a substantial loss in market value
caused by a defect specific to the motor vehicle.
3. The same
nonconformity has been subject to repair four.
4. Two of the
repair attempts must be made within a period of 12 months.
5. 12,000 miles,
whichever occurs first.
6. Two other
repair attempts must be made within 12 months or 12,000 miles, whichever
occurs first.
7. Creates a
serious safety hazard and has caused the vehicle to have been subject
to repair two or more times.
8. At least
one attempt to repair must be made in the period of 12 months or
12,000 miles, whichever occurs first, and at least one other attempt
must be made in the period of 12 months or 12,000 miles.
11. The vehicle
is out of service for repair for a cumulative total of 30 or more
days in the 12. 24 months or 24,000 miles, whichever occurs first.
13. At least
two repair attempts must be made in the first 12 months or 12,000
miles immediately following the date of original delivery to a consumer.

Number: AUD0173735 for my Audi TT hearing
Arbitrator's Name: Robert Marquardt
Arbitrator's Occupation: Manage all legal services relating to commercial
transactions real estate.
Hearing site phone number: 214-220-2040
Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan Dallas, Inc.
1600 Pacific Avenue Suite 2800 Dallas, TX 75201
Phone 214-220-2000 Facsimile 214-740-0321
BBB Auto Line
4200 Wilson Blvd., Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203
Phone: 800-955-5100 Fax: 703-247-9700